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Is a Ghost Immobiliser the Best Method of Vehicle Security?

With vehicles becoming ever more expensive to buy and insure, and thieves becoming ever more sophisticated in the methods they can use to bypass any security, it stands to reason that you need the most effective security you can get to protect your vehicle.

Choosing the right protection 

Choosing the best method of vehicle security very much depends on various factors. These may include your budget, your specific needs and location and there is certainly no one size fits all solution. However, vehicle immobilisers have proven successful over recent years, and with the advances in vehicle security technology, are often the go-to solution for many vehicle owners. Ghost immobilisers in particular are gaining ground as an industry leading security enhancing product. 

How does the Ghost Work?

The Ghost immobiliser is a technologically advanced and effective product so is likely to be more expensive than some other similar products. Before you decide whether the Ghost immobiliser is the right one for you it is advisable to first take advice from a company specialising in vehicle security. This way you will know you’re getting the right product for your needs.

Ghost immobilisers are designed to prevent unauthorised entry into your vehicle, in other words to prevent a thief from driving away your pride and joy. They work through a specific set of actions – for example a personalised pin, or code via dashboard buttons or a key fob option. Effectively, they protect your vehicle from being targeted by thieves using key cloning, key theft or relay attack methods. In other words, the technology is a vital extra layer of protection to prevent the engine from starting up. 

There is a wide range of immobilisers and trackers on the market today which all do a similar job. Most standard immobilisers, in particular the factory fitted ones, will use an electronic chip built into the ECU which responds to a code sent from the key or fob to tell the engine to start. The extra features of the Ghost immobiliser go a step further such as the aforementioned pin code plus the ability to shut down components such as the starter motor or fuel system to immobilise the vehicle.

Is it enough?

Whilst the Ghost immobiliser is one of the most effective security products available it is important to consider using a combination of security features to protect your vehicle from theft.

The idea is to make your vehicle as difficult as possible to steal and the more visible deterrents you have the more likely it is that a thief will walk away from yours. Solutions such as a steering wheel lock, wheel clamps and visible alarm system provide obstacles for a thief to circumvent. A GPS tracking system – with a sticker on a visible easy to read part of the vehicle – provides another vital deterrent against theft and will make the thief think twice in the assumption that your tracker may be connected to a central monitoring system or to the police.

At the same time, make yourself aware of the local vehicle crime trends and figures in your area. Keep up to date with what’s going on either on social media or through local news outlets and local police websites. This can help you to tailor your vehicle security as needed to combat any specific threats.

Regardless of the security system you decide on, the effectiveness of it is only as good as the installation so make sure the system you choose is professionally installed to ensure it functions as intended. Before making your final decision, consider the advice and recommendations of the security professionals. In addition, check with your insurance provider to find out which security measures qualify you for any discounts on your premiums.

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